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NTUST Fall 113 Sharing Session Day 1
Hallo sobat ISA!👋
Di video kali ini, NTUST ISA 2024/2025 melakukan sharing session pada 10 Agustus 2024 yang lalu untuk mahasiswa baru yang akan datang ke NTUST pada Fall Season yang akan datang. Berikut merupakan cuplikan dari sharing session tersebut.😀
NTUST ISA 2024/2025
Переглядів: 88


Sharing Session: Summer Activities in Taiwan Part IV
Переглядів 238 місяців тому
✔️name: I Made Binar Andromeda ✔️year : NTUST Spring 110 ✔️department : Master of Mechanical Engineering
Sharing Session: Summer Activities in Taiwan Part III
Переглядів 349 місяців тому
👨🏻‍💼 Pembicara: ✔️name: Yudhistira Adityawardhana ✔️year : NTUST Fall 111 ✔️department : Doctor of Mechanical Engineering ️
NTUST ISA's Seminar Series (Session 2) : Project Let's Go
Переглядів 179 місяців тому
✔️name: I Made Binar Andromeda ✔️year : NTUST Spring 110 ✔️department : Master of Mechanical Engineering
NTUST ISA's Seminar Series (Session 1) : Summer Intern Through TCA Program
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Speaker ✔️name: Hendy Liman ✔️year : NTUST Spring 111 ✔️department : Industrial Management) ✔️position: Product implementation specialist at Frontier.cool #NTUSTISA #Internships #TCAProgram
Sharing Session: New Students Spring 112
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Sharing Session: New Students Spring 112
NTUST ISA EXPLORER - Ep. 1 Raohe Night Market 饒河街觀光夜市
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Kali ini kita mau ajak kalian jalan-jalan ke salah satu night-market paling terkenal di Taipei yaitu Raohe Night Market. Kira2 ada apa aja ya disana? Explorer juga ditantang buat belanja makanan sebanyak2nya hanya dengan 100NT aja. Kira-kira berhasil gak ya mereka?
Nightmares Alive (Recap Video)
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Halo temen - temen semuanya! Thank you buat semuanya yang udah ikutan di acara Welcome Party kemarin! Semoga dengan adanya welcome party bisa buat kalian saling kenal dengan temen - temen lainnya ya~ Don’t forget to like, comment, share, and subscribe ya! Follow us on Instagram : @ntust_isa @ntustisa_u Song: Synapse Trailer Music - Ultimate | Epic Intense Hybrid Music ua-cam.com/video/E8ZG3TbEd...
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Sudut Cerita Eps. 1 || A Life of a Fast-tTack PhD Student & Volunteer
Tari Saman NTUST ISA
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Tari Saman NTUST ISA
Case #110 - Find Your Way Out (Recap Video)
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Case #110 - Find Your Way Out (Recap Video)
How to get from Taipei Main Station to NTUST
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Halo teman-teman semua, ini adalah video panduan bagi teman-teman yang baru pertama kali akan mengunjungi NTUST dari Taipei Main Station (TMS). Semoga bermanfaat, ya. ‣ Rutenya adalah sebagai berikut (vice versa): Taipei Main Station → Gongguan MRT Station → Shortcut NTU → NTUST ‣ ❗ Note: Sesampai di Gongguan MRT Station, keluar dari Exit 2 kemudian jalan masuk ke dalam NTU, yang berada tepat d...
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Kalimantan Batu Menangis
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Papua Sentani
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ICE 2020 - Marvelous Mythology
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[WELCOME TO NTUST] How to get to our campus from Taoyuan Int'l Airport!
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NTUST-ISA Visits CTBC Headquarter in Taipei!
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NTUST Dormitory 3 Tour - Girl's Dorm
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NTUST Dormitory 2 Tour - Men's Dorm
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Cultural Art Performance 2019 Trailer - Pencak silat
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Cultural Art Performance 2019 Trailer
Indonesian Culture Exhibition 2019 Teaser
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Indonesian Culture Exhibition 2019 Teaser


  • @awangunarso2073
    @awangunarso2073 28 днів тому

    Proud being alumni NTUST 👋

  • @MOOOPr
    @MOOOPr 5 місяців тому

    jiayou 💪🏻

  • @masbro1901
    @masbro1901 2 роки тому

    kalau setrika nya dan internet bagaimana ? sama dapur dan kalau ngerokok boleh ga

  • @otherwhere1930
    @otherwhere1930 2 роки тому


  • @rahmad5098
    @rahmad5098 2 роки тому

    Kembangannya oke

  • @trilytehtarikjely976
    @trilytehtarikjely976 2 роки тому


  • @何承軒-v5h
    @何承軒-v5h 2 роки тому

    Thank You!!!👍💞

  • @feriekristianto9016
    @feriekristianto9016 2 роки тому

    di dorm NTUST bisakah tinggal sampai 4 th?

  • @onnyhoo7971
    @onnyhoo7971 2 роки тому

    Bener2 pelajar teladan....

  • @alexevolutionchannel
    @alexevolutionchannel 3 роки тому

    Dorm sama kampus jadi 1 area atau beda? Ada jurusan listrik dan elektro ga?

  • @alexevolutionchannel
    @alexevolutionchannel 3 роки тому

    Di kamar ga ada toilet nya ,harus di luar semua ya

  • @ilhambuldoc
    @ilhambuldoc 3 роки тому

    Astaga, kangen gw... Lantai 9! Eh, gw ngerasain di Dorm 1 juga loh sebelum di hancurkan . Haha

  • @13-faisalazmisirajuddin15
    @13-faisalazmisirajuddin15 4 роки тому

    Kak tidak ada dapurnya..?

    • @ilhambuldoc
      @ilhambuldoc 3 роки тому

      Dapur ada nya di Dorm 3, dorm cewek 😂

  • @simplymusafir
    @simplymusafir 4 роки тому

    Sir, anyone share his profile for masters student

  • @julianatan6786
    @julianatan6786 4 роки тому

    Halo... thanks... informatif banget... Cuma mau nanya... kaya kopernya gitu ntar di taruh mana ya? Klo yg dorm cewe kan ada tuh tempat nya... ini koq ga ada ya? Lalu kulkas juga ga ada? Dan 1 lagi... kamar mandi itu per lantai ya? Buat berapa anak 😁😁😁

  • @linahermawati6752
    @linahermawati6752 4 роки тому

    Bagus banget.. informatif sekali..

  • @marciajocelynwijaya7489
    @marciajocelynwijaya7489 4 роки тому

    Ada setrikaan gk di dorm?

    • @imakristanti
      @imakristanti 4 роки тому

      Tidak ada, dan setahu saya tidak boleh bawa setrika. Tapi pakai pengering aja bajunya sudah rapi

  • @vinaang5805
    @vinaang5805 4 роки тому

    ukuran untuk kasurnya itu berapa besarnya ka?

  • @aangdarmawan7256
    @aangdarmawan7256 4 роки тому

    Kamar di dorm nya itu biasanya diisi brp orang? Per kamarnya

    • @imakristanti
      @imakristanti 4 роки тому

      Dorm cowok building 2 ini bisa 6-8 orang karena dorm 1 sedang dibangun dan penghuninya digabung ke dorm 2 sini. Normalnya isi 6 orang

  • @vionagetricahyo1268
    @vionagetricahyo1268 5 років тому

    Bagus kak.... smngat... mskipun kurang fokus dan dikit blur

  • @vaniahendri
    @vaniahendri 5 років тому

    keknya saya kenal ma mbak ini..

  • @vaniahendri
    @vaniahendri 5 років тому

    lovely dovey dorm.. haha

  • @vionagetricahyo1268
    @vionagetricahyo1268 5 років тому

    Utk pemilihan kamar bisa dpt teman indo atau diacak ya?

      @NTUSTISA 5 років тому

      mark arthur diacak, tapi biasanya di kumpulin sama org indo

  • @vionagetricahyo1268
    @vionagetricahyo1268 5 років тому

    Untuk PhD program full english kan gk pake mandarin?

      @NTUSTISA 5 років тому

      Untuk program master dan PhD menyediakan kelas berbahasa inggris dan mandarin.

  • @vincentiusbintang3546
    @vincentiusbintang3546 5 років тому

    Ntaps 😋

  • @syahrinharahap133
    @syahrinharahap133 5 років тому

    Kalau untuk anak s3 apa sama tempatnya mas??kalau bawa keluarga gimana ya tu mas??

      @NTUSTISA 5 років тому

      Syahrin Harahap halo kak, untuk doctoral student kamarnya sama. Untuk dorm hanya untuk students ya kak

  • @amadeasyahbani5962
    @amadeasyahbani5962 5 років тому

    aku ngefans bangett sama mbaknyaa

  • @amadeasyahbani5962
    @amadeasyahbani5962 5 років тому

    mbaknya lucu dehh😂

  • @fadelrabani4592
    @fadelrabani4592 5 років тому

    bahas tentang jurusan di ntust

  • @muhammadabdullatif2497
    @muhammadabdullatif2497 5 років тому

    Hai kak. Vlog kantin yang satunya dong

  • @raquelbsy45
    @raquelbsy45 5 років тому

    WC di dalam kamar ya?

      @NTUSTISA 5 років тому

      Untuk dormitory cewek iya. Untuk dormitory cowok mayoritas tidak.

  • @FairuzIzdihar
    @FairuzIzdihar 5 років тому

    Ngefans ih sama mba nya :)

  • @vincentiusharyanto1416
    @vincentiusharyanto1416 5 років тому

    Apakah tiap lantai ada tmpt cc dan dapur?

      @NTUSTISA 5 років тому

      Vincentius Haryanto halo, dapur hanya ada di dorm 3 (dorm perempuan) saja. Maaf tempat cc itu apa ya?

    • @vincentiusharyanto1416
      @vincentiusharyanto1416 5 років тому

      @@NTUSTISA cc = cuci..hehe..

      @NTUSTISA 5 років тому

      @@vincentiusharyanto1416 untuk dorm cowok, ada sekitar 20an wastafel di tiap lantai nya, karena untuk dorm cowo kamar mandi luar

  • @vincentiusharyanto1416
    @vincentiusharyanto1416 5 років тому

    Kok gk ada kulkas ya?lalu apakah cooking room cuman ada di lantai dasar ?

  • @marksuryaharja
    @marksuryaharja 5 років тому


  • @artomoro8520
    @artomoro8520 6 років тому

    kapan ada BERBISA lagi?

  • @laddinachmad3786
    @laddinachmad3786 6 років тому

    Keren banget

  • @baariki
    @baariki 6 років тому

    Bang ade salam dari Chungyu

  • @antonv.
    @antonv. 7 років тому


  • @JovanSitinjak
    @JovanSitinjak 7 років тому

    salam dr NCYU brooooo ....

      @NTUSTISA 7 років тому

      terima kasih, salam kembali :D

  • @ilhambuldoc
    @ilhambuldoc 7 років тому

    Lanjutkan gan! seruu..

      @NTUSTISA 7 років тому

      terima kasih, tunggu episode selanjutnya yaa! admin lagi agak sibuk soalnya haha

  • @rahmathidayat2766
    @rahmathidayat2766 10 років тому

    sakitnya tuh disini, gak bisa nonton langsung euy...

    @NTUSTISA 10 років тому

    The synopsis of theatrical dance and musical performance “Nusantara” Saving Princess Sinta This story is originated from the Ramayana story that recounts the tale of Rama. Rama is the prince of Kosala kingdom, with Ayodhya as the capital city. His father, king Dasartha, gave the throne to Bharata, Rama’s step-brother, while Rama himself left the kingdom to serve for an exile for the sake of his father’s honour. After 14 years Rama came back to Kosala. Upon his arrival, King Bharata decides to give the throne back to Rama, but Rama refuses. Rama prefers to live in the forest with his wife, Sinta, rather than living in the palace. 這是個源自於Ramayana的故事,講述著關於Rama的故事。 Rama 是KOSALA王國的王子。 而國家首都是Ayodhya。 他的爸爸,Dasartha國王, 把他的王位給了Rama的繼兄弟Baratha。Rama為了保住他父王的榮譽,以服務之名選擇離開國家去流亡。經過十四年,Rama回到Kosala。隨著他的到. Bharata國王決定要把他的王位讓回給他,但Rama拒絕了。Rama跟他妻子Sinta,較喜歡住在森林多過於住在皇宮裡。 One day in the forest, Rama met with Surpanakha, a princess of Alengka kingdom. Surphanakha fell in love with Rama, but Rama did not accept her love because his love is only for Sinta, his beloved wife. This made Surphanakha very angry, and she immediately went back to Alengka to find her brother Rahwana, the king of Alengka. told Rahwana that Rama refused her love. Rahwana was also attracted by the beauty of Sinta and planned to make her his wife. They then planned to separate Rama and Sinta. Rahwana ordered Marica, his right-hand-man, to disguise as a beautiful golden deer and distract Rama so that he will leave Sinta alone, giving a perfect chance for Rahwana to kidnap her. 某天,在森林中Rama遇到了Alengka王國的公主Surpanakha。 Surpanakha愛上了Rama,可是Rama沒辦法接受她的愛,因為他的愛只屬於他最愛的妻子Sinta。Rama的拒絕讓Surphanakha很生氣,她馬上回Alengka王國找她的哥哥Rahwana,他是Alengka的國王。Surphanakha告訴Rahwana,Rama拒絕了她的愛。而Rahwana也被Sinta的美麗所吸引了,於是他計畫要把Sinta變成他的妻子。他們打算讓Rama跟Sinta分開。Rahwana 指派他的手下Marica,成美麗的金色小鹿,以便將Rama視線能轉移並離開Sinta身邊,獨留Sinta一個人,好讓Rahwana。 One day, when Rama and Sinta are having a walk in a park near the forest, they saw a beautiful golden deer which was actually Marica in disguise. Sinta was stunned by the beauty of the deer and asked Rama to catch it. Before Rama left, he used his power to make a powerful barrier to protect Sinta. After Rama left, Rahwana came to kidnap Sinta. But, Rahwana could not get close enough to Sinta because of the barrier that Rama set up. So, Rahwana made another plan. He disguised himself as an old man to draw Sinta out of the barrier. The kindness of Sinta led her to give her scarf to the old man, which made the barrier collapse, giving Rahwana chance to kidnap her. 某天, Rama跟Sinta正在森林附近的公園裡散步聊天,他們看得到了一隻美麗的金色小鹿,實際上這是Marica所喬裝的。這隻美麗的小鹿不但讓Sinta著迷不已(目瞪口呆)外,還請Rama捕捉牠。Rama離開之前,他用他的神力做了一個很強的保護屏以保護Sinta。Rama離開以後,Rahwana趁機要來綁架Sinta。但是,Rahwana無法接近被保護屏保護的Sinta。於是,Rahwana又想到另一個計劃,他把自己偽裝成一個老人讓Sinta自己離開保護屏。善良的Sinta看到了Rahwana偽裝的老人,並給予自己的圍巾,這使得保護屏倒塌,給了Rahwana機會綁架她。 At the same time, Rama ventured into the forest to catch the deer for Sinta. Rama shoot an arrow and wounded the deer, which made the deer reverted back into Marica. He was shocked and realised that it was only a trap. He ran back to the park as fast as he could, but it was already too late. Sinta was gone. Rama could not find Sinta anywhere. He found Sinta’s hair pin lying on the ground. With the power of Sinta’s hair pin he could feel what has happened to Sinta. Rama immediately did a meditation hoping he will get some guidance from the Gods. From his meditation he saw Sinta and Rahwana in Papua, a place occupied by Rahwana and his army. Knowing that Sinta was kidnapped by Rahwana, Rama called Hanuman, a powerful knight from Kiskenda Kingdom, to help him to get back his beloved wife. 在同一時間, Rama在森林裡抓鹿要給Sinta。Rama射箭傷了鹿,讓小鹿恢復成Marica。他不但很驚訝還發現這是個騙局。他盡他最快的速度跑回公園,可是已經來不及了。Sinta已經不見了。Rama到處都找不到Sinta,只有在地上找到Sinta 的髮簪,以他的神力讓他感覺到Sinta發生了什麼事。他立即陷入沉思,希望能從神那裡得到靈感指引。從中,他看到Sinta和Rahwana在一個叫Papua的地方,是一個被Rahwana跟他的軍隊佔據的地方。知道Sinta被綁架後,Rama下令叫Kiskenda 王國中最強的武士Hanuman,幫他找回他最愛的妻子。

  • @MrToguTurnip
    @MrToguTurnip 10 років тому

    IT'S EVEN MORE~~ Sharing the beauty of Indonesian culture diversity, we present to you this exhibition for Taiwan! Indonesia is the world's largest archipelago, a country rich of culture and diversity. They prove their “Unity in Diversity”, living together as one nation with 350 different languages and 480 different ethnic groups. To show the beauty of the harmony in Indonesian culture, we proudly present to you the INDONESIAN CULTURE EXHIBITION (ICE) 2015. ICE 2015 will highlight the richness of Indonesian culture, this event is titled "Bhinneka Tunggal Ika - Unity in Diversity". Please share this page on social media & send it to all your friends and contacts! The more we can let the world know about our cause & the impact of ICE 2015, we hope that we can continue doing this meaningful project for the community. For Taiwanese plese kindly find in the link below: www.flyingv.cc/project/5359… And for international community, please follow this link: www.indiegogo.com/…/exploring-the-indonesian-cultur… Thanks and hopefully we could contribute more in cultural exchange and international relationship. See you

  • @mufidsalim3950
    @mufidsalim3950 10 років тому

    It would be greater than before. Let's book the date :)

  • @NataliaAlexandra
    @NataliaAlexandra 10 років тому

    go ce sabiiiiiii!

  • @agusichi
    @agusichi 10 років тому

    apik videonya :D

  • @agusichi
    @agusichi 11 років тому

    pertamax :D

  • @agusichi
    @agusichi 11 років тому


  • @febrianbahariadi
    @febrianbahariadi 11 років тому

    sepertinya saya kenal dengan beberapa penari kayaunya :malus bagus penampilannya..